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Overcome addiction – Addiction + Denial = Out of control

My addiction used to control me. It overwhelmed the person inside me, and I became a stranger to my family and myself. All that mattered to me was another drink. All I thought about was where and when I would have my next drink. My mind was totally and completely engrossed in my addiction, and I didn’t even know it. He was proud, haughty and selfish. I was an alcoholic.

Do you have an addiction? Some of us overeat, drink, smoke, watch pornography, gamble, do drugs, or become abusive. We can even get addicted to our feelings. When we let our negative thoughts control us to do evil, we are under the power of our thoughts and feelings. Addiction controls various aspects of our character that prevent us from reaching our full potential. I know these things first hand; I was there and I did.

Mentally, addiction affects the way we think and feel, and how we live our life. Addiction will literally stunt the growth process and the addict will remain childish, selfish, and insensitive to the needs of others. Psychologically, the addict remains in denial and will do almost anything to justify bad behavior to others while in control of his addiction. Addicts are basically selfish people who only care about themselves even though they are really good at manipulating others into believing otherwise.

Emotionally, addiction makes the addict overly defensive of anyone who tries to take away what they want. Addicts have a hard time repressing their negative emotions and are immature and childish. If they become overly dependent on addiction, they will justify the reasons why they think they are better people when they abuse the substance of their choice. Their low self-esteem keeps them very sensitive to how others feel about them. They are prone to finding fault with others to divert their attention.

Spiritually, the addict is lost. He is insensitive to the spiritual self within him. Addiction prevents the addict from becoming the whole and complete person that God intended him to be. The true potential is stunted. The addict does and says things that he would not normally do if he were living his life without the need for the addiction. The addict is missing so much of his life that he “wants and needs” too much, rendering him unable to give of himself.

In the days of my illness, I reveled in my negative feelings, denying my weakness and my sins. My feelings literally fueled my constant unhappiness. If I accepted the fact that God is my source of REAL happiness, I would have to admit my failures, something that a spiritually bankrupt person cannot do. In essence, the addict desperately needs to have enough trust in God first to quit his addiction and then begin to grow from the selfish aspect of his rebellious personality.

Alcohol and drug addiction affects the whole family. Family members are affected in different ways, especially the person who loves the addict and allows the addiction. This person is called the facilitator because he sweeps things under the rug, so to speak, pretending there is no problem. Unfortunately, the facilitator usually gets the brunt of the addict’s abuse because the addict expects a lot from him. If the facilitator does not respond with the addict’s need and constant requests for things, the facilitator must be careful! The facilitator is just as mentally, emotionally and spiritually ill as the abuser. They both need help.

The facilitator is the savior of the addicted person. As the facilitator continually sweeps the problem under the rug, the addiction will continue to progress because no one believes there is a problem. Denying the existence of the problem is a generalized phenomenon in homes where addiction is fueled. The longer the addict continues to use, the worse it will be for everyone involved.

What happens to the person who is controlled by the addiction? Many things happen, but some of the things that control the addict are not always obvious to anyone else. Usually the first thing we notice in the addict is the emotional imbalance of mental and spiritual capacity and the deterioration of health. But what is not obvious about addiction is actually the most important element of who a person really is. And that is the lack of spiritual realism in the addicted person. He or she, through their addiction, denies that the spiritual Christ intervenes within the framework of who they are. As long as the addicted person is not spiritual, he will remain a slave to his addiction. Unfortunately, it usually takes something very drastic and horrible to happen to the addict before they actually give up their addiction and ask God for forgiveness and help. This is called the “end of the addicts’ strings” or “background effect.”

On the outside, some addicts look like others. They go to church, acknowledge God, start families, and have careers. But despite all this, they still lack the spiritual maturity and godly wisdom to realize the impact and consequences of their addiction. These things are not important to the addict. For the addict, just being able to get on with his life without anyone realizing he has a problem gives the addict more justification and credibility to stay in his addiction. They remain in denial themselves, convincing themselves that they don’t have a problem. They must hit rock bottom! The reverse with that is that the facilitator continues to rescue the addict’s behavior and thus never hits rock bottom!

The addict one way or another must face the REAL source of who he is and the potential for his existence. But if the addict denies it, this will be difficult for him. The addict is usually a selfish and arrogant individual who has not come to understand who he is and, therefore, how can he know, understand, accept and believe in his creator as a guide?

Facilitators can do something to help the addict, but they fear that somehow they will change the addict, or that the addict no longer loves them. In essence, the facilitator needs to get help first, in order to help the addict later.
The top three reasons the facilitator keeps saving the addict are listed below. The top three reasons the addict cannot stop using are listed below.

(1) Fear = panic, restlessness, apprehension, terror, fear of the unknown, etc.
(2) Denial = mentally refusing to believe and emotionally refute, disclaimer,
(3) Spiritual loss = proud, haughty, incredulous, rebellious, arrogant, self-righteous,

Addiction takes hold of the mind so strongly that the addict is afraid to even think of living without the addiction. Addicts try to stop, but their mind and body tell them they can’t. They are filled with fear and terror at the thought of not getting their next dose, they fear that they will not be able to cope in life, but this is simply not so!

At first, abstaining from an addiction that has controlled the mind, body, and soul for so long makes us feel insecure and self-doubting, but the addict can endure and overcome those fears with God’s help. But before any of this has a real impact on the addict, they must WANT TO GET OUT OF THE ADDICTION !!

By trusting what God says to be true, you can believe in the power of God’s words to help you turn away from your fears and into God’s truth and love. God’s words are the comfort and refuge of addicts. Encouraging words and the spiritual presence of God overcomes evil and reveals the truth in the addict. Evil is addiction, and God’s loving-kindness is stronger and more powerful than any addiction.

Alcoholics Anonymous teaches belief in a higher power because addicts cannot change on their own. This statement is very true. Why do you think addicts quit smoking for a while only to do it again? They thought they had enough strength and willpower to quit on their own.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. ”
2 Timothy 3: 15-16

When the addict feels scared, fearful and insecure, or just strange in his body, he needs to turn to the scriptures. If they are tempted to revert to addiction, they should turn to the scriptures and ask the Spirit of Jesus Christ to intervene for them in their temptation. You must trust God with all your heart, mind and soul, and He will deliver you from the evils of addiction!

I know that God frees people from their addictions and sins, it happened to me! I prayed to God with all my heart and mind to guide me out of my addiction to alcohol. I also prayed that my craving for alcohol would be lifted forever. I’ve been sober for over twelve years, and not ONCE have I felt like drinking. In fact, when I see others abusing alcohol, I feel very unpleasant inside and deep pity for them because I know exactly how they feel and what they are going through. Not good.

The addict has to really want to stop his addiction before God intervenes. God wants to know that you are for him and not against him. When we abuse our minds day after day, we have no spiritual consciousness to even acknowledge the existence of the One who created us! God wants you to acknowledge him and ask him to help you overcome your addiction.

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” Novels 1:16

Addicts are powerless without God! The Spirit of Christ is the strength of your future. It is the foundation of your life! Do you want to stop punishing yourself? Humble your proud and arrogant ways. Let the old selfish and sinful person go to God. Drop those heavy loads. Believe in yourself and know the best person you can become serving God without the weight of addiction on your shoulders!

Come to Jesus Christ! “Because I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says: Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13

“Because God did not give us a spirit of shyness, but a spirit of power, love and self-discipline.” 2 timothy 1: 7

Jesus Christ is the power that overcomes all things that hold us captive. The foundation of truth, wisdom, and love is our strength! Grab it now and let the addiction go forever!

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