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4 ideas for indoor fun with kids on bad weather days

If the meteorologist is forecasting bad weather for the weekend, why not prepare for a fun day indoors and avoid the inevitable whining that will ensue if your kids are bored? A little planning will keep your kids from playing video games all day and provide family bonding time with fun kid-friendly activities.

Indoor camping: Put on your pajamas and pitch a tent with some sheets for memorable rainy day fun. You can pretend there’s no power and light the fireplace or light some candles for a campfire, and sit with the whole family and look at pictures from years ago, or tell stories about favorite family holidays and events. Dad can grab a flashlight and tell everyone a spooky story or Mom can read a great book to the family. Have some pretzels and hot chocolate on hand to snack on, too. When everyone is tucked in, you can even grab your pillows and blankets and sleep together for the night on the living room floor.

Special toys for rainy days: Keeping a stockpile of toys and games that children don’t have daily access to is one way to keep these special items and only to bring out on rainy days. Having enough on hand so that 4-5 hours of time is easily consumed is the way to go with this idea. For example, a game of Twister can easily last an hour with lots of laughs; Lego offers a creative outlet where each of your children can be challenged to build a house or vehicle. Keep an inexpensive basket of instruments like plastic flutes, maracas and a harmonica, and have family jam sessions or a parade where the whole team can march through the house singing tunes.

Have a party: Dull weather is a great excuse for a party, and it certainly doesn’t have to be expensive. Children can help you bake an icing-covered cake or make a bowl of popcorn. Whip up a batch of fresh-squeezed lemonade or iced tea and put on a fun family movie. Host an American Idol-style singing contest, and Mom and Dad can judge the singers and give out a prize, like an extra hour of staying up before bed.

Treasure Hunt: This one may require a bit more preparation, but if you plan it out and are ready, it can provide hours of fun. Head over to the dollar store and buy all sorts of cool stuff like a rubber snake, a whistle, a deck of cards, and whatnot. If you’re on a budget or short on time, you can also do this with things you already have around the house. Create a map of your home and write down a bunch of clues that will keep the kids guessing where to find the treats. The first kid to find everything or act out all the necessary activities wins a nice prize like an extra special dessert after dinner.

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