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6 keys you must use to get rid of fatigue and increase vitality

Have you ever noticed that exhaustion is not so much a physical state as it is a feeling? Anything from thoughts about problems in your life to the fridge being too small for some cherished plan can lead to burnout in a matter of seconds. Because exhaustion is a feeling, it can seem impossible to overcome. However, with intent, choice, and purpose, the six main aspects of your being, or “keys,” can be used to fuel fatigue or help you have all the vitality you were meant to have. Read on to discover how to use these six keys to unlock your unique path to vitality, well-being, and happiness.

Key #1: Your Mind

Let’s say you’re in traffic, minding your own business, when someone suddenly cuts you off. He hits the brakes hard and almost avoids an accident; only to see the other driver make a rude gesture as he speeds away. Returning home, he is still irritated and has “conversations” with that driver in the privacy of his mind. Is it any wonder he feels drained and exhausted?

Take a moment now and listen to your mental chatter. Are you filled with angry words, wishes for bad things to happen, fear of being a “soft target” for drivers who act like bullies? Are you renting space in your head from that driver by creating confrontational scenarios with someone you’ll probably never see again, let alone speak to? Any time you rent space in your head to other people, especially when they involve negative interactions, you are doing double or triple the work required to maintain a constant train of your own thoughts.

This is just a type of mental chatter that serves to lower your energy levels without providing a way to revitalize yourself. This kind of self-talk will make you feel exhausted:

  • endlessly points out why you can’t do something

  • reminds you that you are not good or worthy enough

  • it distracts you from what you really want to do

  • makes you feel bad, unhappy, or diminished

Fixing this problem is easier than you think. First, take note of the negative thoughts. Then take steps to stop (don’t just try to deny them with opposition) those thoughts or the emotions they create. Finally, replace those thoughts with positive thoughts that are aligned with your true needs.

Key #2: Your Emotions

Once you master your thoughts, you will likely find yourself hitting that huge wall known as your emotions. There is no way to stop the feelings, and there is no way to change them. They are what they are, and at any moment they can lift you to amazing heights, or they can keep you trapped in misery, pain, and unhappiness. However, once you accept your emotions as a matter of choice, and therefore a key to vitality, you’ll find it much easier to shake off burnout and keep it at bay.

Emotions come from deeper areas of consciousness that you may not be aware of. In some cases, they may have formed as a result of past events that you don’t even remember or weren’t aware of at the time. There are many ways to work with emotions that make you feel tired and drained instead of upbeat and energized.

For now, just keep in mind that these emotions are not something to banish or get rid of. Rather, see them as a cornerstone of spells that sits on top of your greatest powers. The adventure of learning how to lift that stone can include many different methods. Success will give you access to incredible levels of energy. Since emotions play a direct role in illness and physical well-being, you will also find an improvement in your health far beyond what would be expected in modern medical paradigms.

Key #3: Your Higher or Inner Self

Have you ever seen, heard or been told something that didn’t seem quite right? Even though there was nothing specific to set off alarm bells, that nagging inner voice, or your higher self, doesn’t work with the tangible physical senses and therefore isn’t fooled by wrong inputs or interpretations of what they delivered. . Instead, your higher or inner self is directly connected to your true source energy and therefore can never be fooled. You also have access to all the information related to your general development and the challenges you came here to overcome.

When you connect with your higher self and are in tune with what it has to offer, you have the opportunity to align yourself with the energy and vitality necessary for a happy and fulfilling life. Sadly, most people today use everything from drugs to fanatical beliefs in one set of ideas or another to avoid a true connection with themselves. In most cases, the reasons for doing this are found in conflicts related to the other five main aspects of the self.

Key #4: Your body

If your feet ache, your shoulders feel tight, and you can barely keep your eyes open, then you may be inclined to believe that exhaustion is rooted in physical sensations. However, as she can see, many of these sensations occur as a result of her thoughts, feelings, and environment. Since her body is essentially where the energy trail stops, it’s also a very important place to reverse the depletion process. Here are some important things you can do for your body that will increase your vitality and make it easier to eliminate the underlying causes of exhaustion:

  • set tangible and reasonable goals. This includes carefully identifying what you want versus what you need. Do you feel compelled to put up with a bad work environment because you want to keep up with the Joneses? Do you really need to eat that extra banana split, or do you feel like you have to eat it to show someone else that you like their cooking? In each case, your body doesn’t really even need the end result of your work. Choose goals that are aligned with your inner or higher self, and you will no longer feel the need to give in to temptations that disconnect you from your true power and energy sources.
  • Follow a healthy and organic diet. If possible, grow your own food and make sure all resources are free of pesticides, GMOs, and other harmful additives.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep and quality sleep. Reduce lights, sounds, and other distractions that can wake you up or disturb your sleep cycle.
  • Pay attention to your immune system. This includes understanding the hidden sources of allergens in food and the environment, as well as other factors that can weaken your immune system to the point where the struggle to keep you relatively disease-free leads to a feeling of exhaustion.

Key #5: Your companions

Modern scientific researchers are discovering that people can energetically feed each other. Therefore, that feeling of feeling up or down with certain people is not just a feeling. It is a subtle energy fact that your higher self may be perceiving. Do not ignore these impressions.

While you can’t always minimize contact with people who make you feel uncomfortable, the truth is that you control the “stop button” when it comes to energy transfer. There are a number of meditations you can use for this purpose, as well as journaling and meditating with crystals. If you feel like you are being attacked or someone is deliberately draining you, then you can focus your meditations on blocking these effects or use other means to reduce the amount of energy flowing out of you.

Key #6: Your Environment

It is no secret that water, air and soil are heavily polluted. In addition to growing your own food, it’s also important to limit your exposure to other environmental toxins.

  • Feel free to install a multi-stage water filtration system and use it for wash water as well as water used for cooking and eating.
  • Activated carbon really is your best friend when it comes to filtering toxic perfumes, air aerosols, and dirty pollution from automobiles and industrial processes. You can set up filters for your home and wear a dedicated mask whenever you are outdoors or away from a source of clean air. While this may seem extreme, the increased energy and well-being you’ll feel is not imaginary.

  • Take steps to protect yourself from electromagnetic smog. The endless variety of gadgets and devices around you emit all kinds of harmful energy that leads to cancer, exhaustion, headaches, stress and anxiety. Fortunately, there are some simple devices that can protect you from these energies and help you enjoy better health.

Many people focus only on the most painful aspect of burnout and then seek to resolve the problem at that level. In many cases, factors you may not have considered may be playing a much bigger role. By paying attention to the six keys that lie within your entire being, you can easily shake off burnout and feel more energized.

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