Inspiring the world.

are you visualizing "out there" Or from within?

visualize: see or form a mental image of

Let’s talk a bit about visualization…

First, let me start by pointing out that there is a percentage of the population that cannot visualize in mental images. There’s nothing wrong with this, it’s just the way their brains work. But they can visualize “feeling” the reality of the goal they want to achieve. In fact, I believe that the emotional aspect of imagining is much more powerful and magnetic than the visual aspect.

Feel the emotions even if you can’t see the pictures. Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a real act and an imagined one.

Looking at”

Now, you can mentally image or get specific details and create a “dream” board to set your goals in your subconscious mind. These techniques are often recommended as a way to condition the subconscious and have some benefit. They will encourage you to focus on what you want.

However, I have a very different idea about visualization (which for our purposes will include both imagining and feeling a goal).

Let’s say you close your eyes to see yourself achieving a goal. You see yourself “out there” on the screen of space, watching yourself go through the motions, almost as if you were watching a movie.

Or you make your dream board or treasure map or whatever you want to call it. You are looking at things on this board that you wish to own or you have pictures of yourself on this board doing or being what you want. You’re still looking at yourself “out there.”

Again, this may have some benefit, especially if visualizing in this way gives you a corresponding feeling of having what you want.

Watching “From”

Now this is the most powerful way to visualize and the quickest way to manifest results.

You visualize from “inside”. You are the actor in the role, seeing the world through your own eyes, looking at the world as if you already are what you want to be or already have what you want. You take on this role and live in this awareness over and over again until it feels natural. As you rehearse this role, your subconscious will accept it and it will become your natural state of being. You will assume the mental and emotional state of the end result and then… at just the right time you will experience this reality in the outside world. The outer world must become what you have accepted within.

It’s already mine

So here is the difference. Let’s use “Bev” as an example. Bev wants a new digital camera:

Bev can imagine the camera she wants. She can glue photos, study them in detail, memorize them. And it’s possible that she suddenly sees these cameras everywhere. But will she subconsciously accept that this camera is hers? Maybe.

Or Bev can play the part. Become the actress holding the camera close to her eyes, feel yourself focusing “hers” her camera on her subject, maybe even feel the light weight of the camera in her case as she sways against it. her while walking. She can close her eyes and feel her place the camera in her place on the shelf in her house. If Bev weren’t able to clearly create mental images, all she would need to do was create the feeling that she already owned her camera—the feeling of satisfaction in owning the camera. Not wanting or wanting it… because if you already have something, then you wouldn’t be wanting or wanting it, would you?

You are the actor in the role, playing the role of being, doing, having whatever you want, from the inside out. From within your own consciousness, you already ARE that person, you are already DOING what you want, you already HAVE what you want.

That is the true visualization.

© Copyright 2004 Marilyn Jenett

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