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What Can Marketers Learn From Baseball?

Well, it turns out that a lot! I went to a Boston Red Sox game with my family this weekend and, between buying $ 6 hot dogs and exorbitant $ 5 Coke, I thought about what America’s past has in common. with marketing. I know, you may think it’s a bit of a stretch, but these simple analogies are pretty obvious …

1. Keep an eye on the ball. Let’s start with the most apparent. It takes intense focus and concentration to hit a 90 mph fastball. You must take the same kind of deliberate attention to your business and your marketing efforts. Don’t take your eye off the ball!

2. Be Ready (For Baseball) – During each pitch, I noticed infielder Dustin Pedroia taking his “ready for baseball” stance. On tiptoe, ready to respond, and completely ready for anything that comes your way. Are you paying attention to your business? Are you agile, ready and ready to react?

3. Swing for the fences – It is rare that you see a silly and weak swing in the major leagues. These guys are playing like they want it! In your marketing efforts and in your business in general, you have to make big changes. If you want to hit home runs, you have to hit the fences!

4. Work as a team: no matter how good the team members are, it is the team that wins ball games. While this is painfully obvious, you must ask yourself how teamwork can benefit you. Are you developing relationships and joint ventures? Are you taking advantage of your partnerships? How can you use the combined efforts of your team to win?

5. Have a game plan: While professional ball players can make it look easy, they never go out onto the field without a game plan in place. Baseball, like business, is a game of strategy. Plan ahead. Study the competition. Know your strengths and weaknesses. And most importantly, execute.

6. Focus on the basics – While I was at the Sox game, my son asked me why “Big Papi” still needs batting practice. If you want to be the best, I explained, you have to be excellent at the basics. You are never too good to practice and start with the basics.

7. How you play is how you play in life – This was another “life lesson” moment for my son. The players he admires the most are the ones who are as good off the field as they are on the field. You have to bring your “A” game every day, both in business and in life!

8. Never give up – The “big boys”, as they call the Major Leagues, understand that it’s not over until it’s over. To be successful as an entrepreneur, you will need that same kind of tenacity and determination. The Red Sox have become notorious for their ninth-inning heroics and behind-the-scenes victories. Take a page from your playbook and keep playing hard until the end!

9. Be aggressive – Good ball players rush. They run hard. They act quickly. They do not give up. How are you playing in your business? Can you try even harder? Can you push a little more?

10. Use a variety of “weapons” – A winning baseball team like the Red Sox uses many different ways to win. They have a variety of weapons in their arsenal: hitting, pitching, defense, bench strength, end-of-inning rallies. Are you using a variety of marketing weapons in your business? Look for ways to add some depth to your playbook and don’t just rely on one or two methods.

The Red Sox won the game we attended, but I can’t say I’m surprised. The defending World Series champs do a lot of things well and find a way to win. Follow their lead and your business should have a winning season!

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