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Who is a suitable candidate for Jaw Botox?

Suitable Candidate For Jaw Botox

Many people are interested in a slimmer, more slender face and jawline for a more elongated, elegant, feminine appearance. Whether the masseter muscle has become overly large due to clenching your teeth, chewing gum, or genetics, you can benefit from the nonsurgical jawline contouring effects of jaw Botox. The injected neurotoxin blocks nerve signals for a limited time, which leads to muscle relaxation and reduction in bulk. This can create a slimmer, more V-shaped jawline with more definition and balance to the face. It can also reduce symptoms of bruxism (teeth grinding) and help alleviate the pain associated with this common condition.

In addition to reducing the appearance of an overly square jawline, Jaw Botox can be used to diminish the bulging and enlarged look of the chin. The masseter muscle connects your lower jawbones to your cheekbones, so a thicker and more prominent muscle can accentuate the width of the chin, giving it an undesired angular appearance. This can be particularly problematic for women who may wish to avoid a more masculine appearance.

A qualified doctor can determine if you are an ideal candidate for jaw Botox by measuring the thickness of your masseter muscles, which can be done by biting down hard and feeling the outer edge of the mouth. If the muscle feels rock hard and enlarged, then you are an ideal candidate for masseter Botox injections, as it will weaken the jawline over time, causing it to thin and relax.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate For Jaw Botox?

As well as reducing the appearance of an overly square or flaring jawline, masseter Botox injections can also be used to help with bruxism and TMJ. By relaxing the clenching muscle, it will alleviate the pain caused by this common condition, while also minimizing the damage to your teeth.

Although a non-invasive treatment, it is important to choose an experienced injector when receiving masseter Botox. If the injections are performed incorrectly, the neurotoxin can move beyond the intended area of the jaw and affect other parts of your face or body. This can result in unwanted side-effects, such as weakness of your facial muscles, involuntary eye closure, or drooping of the eyebrows.

Aside from jaw Botox, there are a number of other non-invasive procedures available to help reduce the size of your masseter muscle and slim the appearance of your jaw and chin. Dermal fillers can be used to add structure to the chin and jaw bones for a more sculpted and chiseled appearance, while products such as Sculptra are able to provide long-term results that last up to two years.

If you are experiencing problems with clenching your teeth, or bruxism, then we can recommend some treatments to address the issue and prevent further damage to your teeth, including mouth guards and practicing muscle relaxation exercises. Alternatively, we can offer botulinum toxin injections to the masseter muscle to relax it and rebalance your jawline for a more symmetrical appearance. To find out more, book a consultation with our team today.

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