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How Much Does Golden Visa Cost in Dubai?

Golden Visa Cost in Dubai

Known as the UAE Golden Visa, this transformative long-term residency program offers unparalleled benefits for investors and their families. Among the most prominent perks include property ownership rights, freedom of travel and employment, the absence of the need for a national sponsor, and tax-related advantages. The UAE Golden Visa also provides access to world-class healthcare and education.

For those interested in obtaining a Golden Visa Dubai, the first step is to determine whether they are eligible. The eligibility requirements vary depending on the category, with the minimum investment amount for a 5-year residence permit ranging from AED 2 million for those investing in real estate to AED 5 million for those investing in startups. Investors must also meet certain education and health criteria.

A Certified Anti-Money Laundering Officer verifies the investor’s documents and conducts a thorough background check. Then, lawyers translate and notarise the documents before conducting consular legalisation. Finally, a medical checkup is conducted at a UAE-based clinic. This includes testing for communicable diseases, a general health assessment, and fluorography. In some cases, a doctor may recommend further diagnostics.

How Much Does Golden Visa Cost in Dubai?

Once the application is approved, the investor can enter the country. Then, he or she can choose several real estate options, and Immigrant Invest’s real estate specialists will help them select the most suitable one. They will also help with the purchase, obtain a title deed, and register the property ownership. Additionally, the specialist will provide a wealth management report and advice to maximize the value of the property.

Golden Visa holders are eligible for reduced mortgage fixed-interest rates, savings account interest rates, and discounts on annual health insurance policies for themselves and their families. They can also enjoy preferential access to a wide range of banking services, including investment, commercial, and private banks. Furthermore, they are able to buy a driver’s license in the UAE without training and enjoy exclusive benefits at car dealerships.

The UAE Golden Visa also allows residents to work in the country’s public sector and establish a company that creates at least 10 jobs for UAE nationals. Applicants also have the option of buying an existing business in the country for at least AED 5 million. Exceptional talent and entrepreneurs are eligible for a UAE Golden Visa if they have proven experience in their field of expertise, a track record of success, and a unique contribution to the nation’s development. They must be highly qualified in their field and have a PhD or equivalent degree.

The UAE Golden Visa is also available to frontline heroes who have demonstrated outstanding efforts during critical times. This is in recognition of their sacrifices and service. Frontline heroes include nurses, doctors, pharmacologists, lab technicians, and other personnel. Seven centers affiliated with the UAE’s government have been established to accept Golden Visa applications in person. In addition to a prestigious identity card, holders of the UAE Golden Visa can obtain discounted tuition fees at UAE universities. This is in addition to a wealth of other exclusive benefits.

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