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The ears of your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Ears are a constant problem for most spaniels, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is no exception. Ticks and fleas love the warm, moist protection that the ear provides. The inside of the ears should be regularly inspected and cleaned to prevent infection or other complications that can lead to hearing loss. If your dog bangs his ears when he’s overly excited, this can cause problems.

Shaking the head and scratching the ears continuously can indicate ear problems in your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. At the same time, dogs may also shake and scratch as part of their normal behavior. Your connection with your dog should allow you to determine if any ear-related activity is typical or abnormal behavior and you can act accordingly. If you notice any unusual behavior regarding the ears, check for earwax buildup or mites. You should already be well familiar with the inside of your dog’s ears from regular brushing, and you should be able to easily spot abnormalities. If you notice unusual staining or excess fluids, see your vet. During the summer, grass can also find its way into your dog’s fragile ears. As soon as you notice it, resolve this uncomfortable problem for your Cavalier, either on your own or with the help of a vet.

The little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has long fringed ears, giving it a sweet and innocent appearance. As adorable as they are, these floppy ears can block air ventilation and lead to infection. It is mandatory that you keep your ears clean and check them regularly for any signs of trouble. Infections can be persistent, long-eared dogs and end up costing a great deal of money to care for in the end. If the infections become recurring, they can eventually cause the dog to go deaf. Similarly, moths and fleas can also be a nuisance to get rid of in the ears, especially once they attach themselves to long ear hair. Moths can be found in the hair inside the ears and should be routinely inspected.

A less severe disaster strikes when your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dunks his long ears into the food dish! You can try to avoid this or just be prepared to clean in every room he wanders through before he manages to clean the ears. It is a sad sight to see velvety groomed ears so quickly soiled and grimy.

All dogs require some degree of care. But with some dogs it’s weird to even think about the ears. But, in contrast, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels require a great deal of loving care just for this small part of their body. For these little dogs, self-care for their ears is not an option, so it is up to the owner to be responsible and give the attention that a Cavalier requires. Fortunately, ear checks can become a regular part of a regular grooming and brushing schedule. With careful inspection and frequent care, you may not need to wait for telltale signs of a problem. In fact, you may never encounter a problem at all.

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