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Top 10 unsung heroes in human history

Whether it’s saving lives or promoting human rights, the world has no shortage of heroes, people who have performed amazing feats to change the way we live our lives today, proving that humanity can transcend itself. Unfortunately, not all heroes are treated equally and many of them are unknown. Let’s review the ten most important anonymous heroes in the course of human history.

Top 10: Robert Bartlett

Bob Bartlett is a captain whose ship Karluk was trapped in ice, which was eventually destroyed, on the Canadian Arctic Expedition. Bartlett and a hunter named Kataktovik walked 700 miles, after several months of being stranded, from Wrangel Island to Siberia to seek help. He boarded another Alaskan ship and rescued his 14 surviving companions.

Top 9: John R. Fox

John Fox was an American soldier in World War II. He died and is considered a hero because he called for an air strike on his own location. He knew that enemies, particularly the Germans, were swarming everywhere and that the only way to stop them was to have them under fire. His brave act of giving up his own life gave the allies ample time to plan and launch a counterattack.

Top 8: Pastor Lee Jong-rak

Pastor Lee is a Christian minister in South Korea who has raised his own orphanage for babies with mental disabilities. What he did was put a box outside his house where irresponsible parents can put their children instead of leaving them in the garbage or the gutter.

Top 7: John Woolman

Long before Abraham Lincoln championed freedom for slaves, John Woolman, an 18th-century Pennsylvania man, traveled the American colonies for 20 years to preach about human rights and how wrong slavery was. This resulted in the Religious Society of Friends, also called Quakers, abolishing slavery in 1776. It was another 89 years before the entire country abolished slavery.

Top 6: Amelia Boynton

Amelia is the first African American woman to have the courage to defend the Civil Rights Movement. She was instrumental in the historic march of African Americans from Selma to Montgomery in 1965. This march paved the way for blacks to receive voting rights and exercise their constitutional rights.

Top 5: Poggio Bracciolini

A man from the 15th century, Poggio is not a name you usually hear. However, we would never have acquired the scientific skills and progress that we have today if it weren’t for him. It was Poggio who translated an ancient text called On the nature of things and it made it possible for the modern world to transmit and study this knowledge further. This text contained the radical ideas that matter is made of moving objects, which we now know as particles and atoms.

Top 4: Mary Anning

It is this woman who taught the world to respect animals and preserve their lives. He was 12 when he discovered a dinosaur fossil. In their generation, people never believed that animals could become extinct. It was his persistence in this phenomenon that changed the way the world views paleontology today because his work ignited the passion of modern world scientists to change their thinking about prehistoric life and how extinct animals have shaped the world. world today.

Top 3: Benjamin Keefe Clark

A hero of the 9/11 terrorist attack in the US, Benjamin was a chef who helped team members from his department get out during the attack. Instead of leaving, he helped a disabled woman on the 78th floor and she died. He could have gone out with the rest of the people and saved himself, but he didn’t.

Top 2: Senior Master Sergeant. Doug widener

This is a man who has won one of the most prestigious medals in the American Armed Forces – the Distinguished Flying Cross. He flew 25 missions in Afghanistan during which he and two other military rescuers rescued 19 wounded soldiers. They showed the courage to infiltrate and exfiltrate soldiers from treacherous and dangerous terrain into a terrorist haven under heavy fire.

Top 1: John Rabe

Have you ever heard this name? John Rabe is a WWII German businessman who was in China during the war. He decided to stay in China together with some foreigners and established a Safe Zone in Nanking. Without the help of Rabe, more than 200,000 Chinese would have died in the attack by the Japanese army. But as he was an influential German, he stood his ground and prevented the Japanese form from attacking the Nanking Safety Zone.

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